WR Youth

Who we are...

West Rome Student Ministry is for all 7th-12th graders. Our passion and drive is that every student who is part of our ministry will be KNOWN, LOVED, DISCIPLED, and SENT. Everything we do flows out of these basic goals, and we pray that is lived out by our students.

WR Students Staff

David Moorman
Student Pastor
Jo Atwood
Student Min. Associate

Our Focus

One of our favorite weekends of the year, we take our students away for a time of no phones or homework to learn what it means to rest in the Lord. We have teaching, worship, and a lot of quiet time (with play time mixed in) to really dig in to what it means to Sabbath and to put it into practice! Contact David or Jo if you have any questions.  

August 30th-September 2nd :: $150 :: Chatsworth, GA :: Register

When & Where

Wednesday Night Services

Time: 6:00-7:30pm

Location: The Warehouse

What: Youth Service & Groups

Sunday Mornings

Time & Place:

9:00am Groups in The Warehouse

10:30am Main Worship Service