WR Youth

Who we are...

West Rome Student Ministry is for all 7th-12th graders. Our passion and drive is that every student who is part of our ministry will be KNOWN, LOVED, DISCIPLED, and SENT. Everything we do flows out of these basic goals, and we pray that is lived out by our students.

WR Students Staff

Our Focus

Summer Camp 2025

Camp is an opportunity for your student to get away for a few days and focus on Jesus! We will be going to a camp hosted by  Generate this summer, so that we will be with lots of churches from all over the place! The week will consist of team games, hype time, worship, small groups, church time, and lots of opportunities to do fun summer camp things like swim and hike! It will be a sweet week studying the book of Philippians. Camp will be at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. The cost is $370. We hope to get to hang out with your student this week! Contact Jo Atwood at jatwood@westrome.org if you have questions! 

When & Where

Wednesday Night Services

Time: 6:00-7:30pm

Location: The Warehouse

What: Youth Service & Groups

Sunday Mornings

Time & Place:

9:00am Groups in The Warehouse

10:30am Main Worship Service