Secret Church is an annual global event taught by David Platt–author, pastor, and founder of Radical. 


“Secret Church” is the only way for some of our brothers and sisters in the world to gather together. They live in places where following Jesus means risking their lives. David Platt was burdened by this reality within the body of Christ, driven by a desire to study God’s Word intensely and passionately pray, and so, Secret Church was formed. (to learn more about how Secret Church started, click here



We invite you to join us on April 11 with tens of thousands of believers from around the world to faithfully study, pray, and act. 


● STUDY: Take a 6-hour deep dive to study as we walk step-by-step through the Gospel of Matthew.


● PRAY: This year we will explore the story of the persecuted church in North Korea, considered by many the most hostile-to-Christians country in the world. Together we will pray and support our brothers and sisters in North Korea, Indonesia, and other persecuted places. 


● ACT: We will be challenged to live on mission–in our neighborhoods and to the nations. 



West Rome will be a host site for the live-streamed event. We will gather together in the Warehouse as David Platt teaches (live) on the Gospel of Matthew and guides us through prayer for the persecuted. 


The event will begin on April 11 at 7:00 p.m., doors will open at 6:30 p.m. 


Light refreshments and coffee will be available. 


We do not want you to miss out on this unique gathering of believers and invite YOU to be a part of Secret Church with us!

Register by March 23 to guarantee a copy of David’s Platt Gospel of Matthew Scripture Journal!


Want to learn more about what Secret Church is? Click here

Want to hear David Platt explain why he chose the Gospel of Matthew? Click here

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Date & Time
Friday, April 11, 2025, 7:00 PM - Saturday, April 12, 2025, 1:00 AM

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